
To ensure optimum development, children and infants need chiropractic care.

Newborn Mothers

During your child’s first nine months, you’ll experience hormonal changes, a loosening of the connective tissues of your joints and a shifting of your center of gravity. This puts additional stress on the low back, pelvis, and other spiral areas that often respond beautifully to chiropractic care. Not only do you benefit, but so does your developing child.

Women who receive regular chiropractic care during pregnancy often report healthier pregnancies and more comfortable deliveries.

new-born-babyChiropractic Care For Newborns

Even with natural childbirth methods, the birth process can be one of the most traumatic events of your child’s life. The spine, which houses the important nerve pathways of the spinal cord, can be injured during delivery.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) research suggests that spiral damage can interfere with the nerves that control a newborn’s ability to breathe. More and more parents are having their newborns checked for spine-related problems immediately after birth.

Every patient is different and chiropractic adjustments are always tailored to each patient’s age, strength, size and individual spinal problem. Naturally, adjusting techniques are modified for newborns, infants and small children.

Uncorrected spiral problems caused by the birth process are often quite apparent during examination later in life. A normal nervous system, free of the interferences of the Vertebral Subluxation Complex, can give your newborn the best chance for a normal, healthy life. Have your newborn checked immediately after birth.

Few of our efforts have such consequences as bringing a new life into the world. It changes the world we live in. And it begins a lifetime of joy, worry and responsibility.

Your responsibility begins long before you buy your baby’s first toy or choose his or her name. It starts by preparing a healthy environment, free of the interferences of drugs, chemicals or avoidable stress. With this sensitivity, you have the best chance of fulfilling every parent’s greatest wish: having a healthy baby.

Can Chiropractic Help?

The birth process can cause vertebrae that protect the spinal cord to lose their normal motion or position. Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, resulting in interference with brain’s ability to control associated organs and tissues. Lost muscle tone weakens the important support of the spine. Discs, blood vessels and other soft tissues can swell and become inflamed.

The body responds with bone spurs and abnormal growth, and various systems throughout the body may malfunction. Pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present, yet optimum health and well-being are compromised.

Spinal problems that go undetected or neglected in children become more serious problems in adults

Infant Children

Infant Children

All infants need a healthy spinal column. All babies need to have their spines checked by a Doctor of Chiropractic for the presence of vertebral subluxations or spinal nerve stress. Why is this important? It’s important because an unhealthy spine can interfere with the normal function of the nervous system and may cause serious health problems in infancy and later in life. With all you do for your newborn child, please ensure his or her spinal health with a chiropractic spinal check-up.infants_collection_1

Infant Spinal Trauma

Many studies have shown that the majority of newborns have spinal nerve stress that is threatening their health and in some cases, their lives! But how can that be? The answer will surprise you: spinal trauma!

A newborn’s spine traumatized? How?

The newborn that knew only the warmth, softness, darkness, quiet and comfort of the womb is suddenly exposed to a cold, noisy, hard, harsh, blinding world. Separated from mother, often dangled from its heels and struck on its rear, these procedures can cause permanent physical trauma and emotional scarring.

Many studies have shown home birth to be safer for both mother and child. The following study conducted by Lewis E. Mehl, M.D., of the University of Wisconsin Infant Development Center reviewed 2,000 births, nearly half of which had taken place at home. There were 30 birth injuries among the hospital-born children and none among those born at home. Fifty-two of the babies born in the hospital required resuscitation versus only 14 of those born at home. Six hospital babies suffered neurological damage compared to one born at home. The best way to avoid hospital horror stories is to consider home birth as an alternative to hospital birth.”‘

Chiropractic Approach

infants_collection_2Chiropractic is a health care system that removes distortions and stress from the spinal column and the nervous system to allow the body to work as naturally as possible. Chiropractic is founded on the premise that our bodies possess an inborn natural wisdom that works best without interference. This meComprehensive Health & Chiropractic – Infants & Toddlersans delivering in the most natural position by which to give birth without drugs or intervention of any kind unless absolutely necessary. This means bonding and breastfeeding. This means birth without violence.

For these reasons, you’ll find natural childbirth, home birth, breastfeeding and similar practices very common among chiropractors’ families.

Neurological Dysfunction and Crib Death

Various studies have confirmed that spinal lamage in infants can cause disease and even death.

Abraham Towbin, a Harvard University Pathologist found evidence of spinal injury in many cases of unexplained crib deaths, hyaline membrane disease, pneumonia and respiratory depression. But there are others:”…there must exist a large number of instances with mild injury, with minimal neurologic symptoms, going unnoticed clinically or being relegated to the category of cerebral palsy.”

In 1984 the Academy for Research in the Chiropractic Sciences (ARCS) concluded an 18 month study on the relationship of Crib Death and spinal structure and found that babies that had died if Crib Death had abnormal spinal alignment in the upper neck area.

Testing procedures are not refined enough to completely assess all the damage spinal nerve stress may cause to the baby. Gross learning and behavioral problems are more easily seen but the damage may at times be too subtle to be tested, perhaps the loss of a few I.Q. points? Perhaps average rather than above average abilities? There can be rather small, yet significant differences between the average and exceptional child. Less oxygen at birth? A minor pull on the neck at delivery? A small spinal misalignment? Since we don’t know let’s play it safe and do our best to avoid dangerous procedures and promote natural, safer infant and newborn care.


Do all you can to give your baby the best possible chance to have a healthy life. That includes childbirth without violence, breastfeeding, and avoidance of drugs and medical procedures (except n emergencies).

We urge you to respect your child’s, as well as your own, natural healing mechanisms and make sure you are all under chiropractic care.

You have your baby’s eyes checked, heart checked, hearing checked-why not include a chiropractic spinal check-up?


toddlers_01With boundless energy and curiosity children test their new world. Their ability to support their head is quickly followed by crawling, and suddenly they are standing while holding onto furniture. Their first steps are just around the corner! Bumps and falls are natural consequences.

These bumps and falls cause trauma to the spine. When spinal bones lose their normal position or ability to move during this stage of tremendous physical growth, permanent deformities can occur. Left uncorrected, these small cumulative traumas can have far-reaching affects. Even spanking and other forms of discipline can have long-term consequences during this critical stage of development.

toddlers_02Unexpected Crying

Lacking language skills, our young toddler communicates with simple sounds, smiling, laughing and crying. Many parents interpret these signs and respond with food, a toy, a blanket or a hug. Yet sometimes we are unable to decipher their cries. Interferences to the nervous system caused by a malfunctioning spine can affect the digestive system, the immune system and cause other health problems that a blanket or soothing lullaby can’t help.

Children of all ages can respond quickly to chiropractic care. Special adjusting techniques are used and toddlers seem to have an intuitive sense that adjustments are good for them.

During the first months and years of your baby’s life, he or she grows from a helpless infant into a fearless adventurer. A child’s natural curiosity about the world is accompanied by dramatic physical growth, weight gain, and emotional development.


The vertebrae that protect the spinal cord can lose their normal motion or position from the normal slips and falls while a child is learning to walk. Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, resulting in interference with the brain’s ability to control associated organs and tissues. Lost muscle tone weakens the important support of the spine. Discs, blood vessels and other soft tissues can swell and become inflamed. The body responds with bone spurs and abnormal bony growth and various systems throughout the body may malfunction. Pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present, yet optimum health and well-being are compromised.

Spinal problems that go undetected or neglected in children become more serious problems in adults.