Children & Chiropractic

Chiropractic is a time-tested method of non-invasive, non-surgical treatment that is rapidly moving to the forefront of today’s healthcare industry. Gentle, yet effective adjustments allow nerves to function properly so the body can heal itself without the use of drugs that can cause damaging side-effects.

What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic is a natural method of health cave that treats the causes of physical problems rather than just the symptoms. Chiropractic is based on a simple but powerful premise: With a normally functioning spine and nerves and a healthy lifestyle, your child’s body is better able to heal itself. The nervous system controls movement, feeling, and function throughout your child’s body..

Help For Little Kids with “Big” Problems

children_collection_1A 1989 study of colicky infants in Denmark reports a success rate of 94% among the study group following a program of chiropractic care. More than two-thirds of all children will have one or more episodes of ear infections by the age of three. A 1996 study of a group of children with ear infections and discomfort found that 93% of the study group reported improvement with chiropractic care. Thousands of children have found relief from bedwetting with chiropractic. Nerve interference due to spinal misalignment can cause the communication between your child’s brain and bladder to break down. Chiropractic care can remove the interference that can cause loss of bladder control.

Can Chiropractic Care Help My Child?

A child’s spine can be stressed or injured during birth. As children learn to walk and run, they fall and can suffer strains and sprains. Periodic checks by a doctor of chiropractic can help identify any developing weaknesses in your child’s spine.

To help determine whether your child needs treatment, your chiropractor asks questions about your child’s birth and development, such as: Did anything unusual happen during birth? At what age did your child begin to crawl? Stand? Walk? How do you hold your child? Does your child have unexplained pain, discomfort, or crying? What are your child’s physical activities? What falls or injuries has your child had?

children_collection_02How Does My Baby’s Spine Develop?

Adults have three natural curves in their spines that help support their bodies. At birth, an infant has only one curve. The other curves develop as the child begins to hold up his or her head and learns to crawl and stand.
How Does a Chiropractor Treat My Child?

It’s important for your child to grow up with a healthy spine. Early spinal exams by a doctor of chiropractic may help prevent many health problems later in life. A chiropractor is trained to help maintain or restore the health of your child’s spine through adjustments and other gentle treatments. Children usually respond quickly to treatment.

Spinal Adjustments

Spinal adjustments for children are usually different from adjustments for adults. Your chiropractor gently presses on the spine to restore proper motion of the vertebrae and relax the muscles. Your child should feel no pain. Your child’s chiropractor applies light pressure with the fingers during an adjustment.

How Can I Help My Child?

You can help your child develop a healthy spine by scheduling regular chiropractic exams, just as you make regular dental appointments.

Observe your child’s movements and follow these tips:

  • When you lift or hold an infant, always support the child’s back and neck with your hands.
  • Pick up an older child by grasping his or her body under both arms.
  • Never pick up your child by the arms or legs.
  • Use an approved car seat that supports your baby’s head and neck.
  • Provide a firm bed and chairs.
  • Make sure your child gets enough sleep and eats a well-balanced diet.
  • Make sure your child wears appropriate protective gear when playing sports.
  • If your child uses a backpack, make sure it’s carried over both shoulders.

At Birth

The spine of a newborn is C-shaped, with one curve. A newborn has neither the balancing curves nor the strength to hold his or her head upright. The birth process may be one of the most traumatic events of our lives. Even so-called “natural” birthing methods can stress a still-developing spine. The resulting irritation to the nervous system can be the cause of many newborn health complaints. Colic, unexplained crying, poor appetite, breathing problems, and allergic reactions can often be traced to nervous system dysfunction caused by a malfunctioning spine.

At About Six Months

As your infant lifts his or head during the first few months, the neck (cervical) curve and its muscles develop. Strong neck muscles help an infant hold up a heavy head.

At About Nine Months

As your infant learns to crawl and stand, the lower back (lumbar) curve and its muscles develop. Strong back muscles help give your child the strength and balance to walk and run. Head support, followed by crawling, and a baby’s first few steps should be followed by chiropractic checkups. If neglected, the bumps and falls during this period of rapid growth may lead to serious spinal deformities later in life. This can set the stage for scoliosis, “growing pains,” and a weakened immune system response.

Physical Exam

Your chiropractor will observe your child’s posture and movements, check reflexes and range of motion in the joints, gently palpate the spine, and check for scoliosis (curvature of the spine). The exam should not be painful for your child.


children_collection_03Based on the results of your child’s exam, your doctor of chiropractic may recommend a treatment program to correct any abnormal curvature of the spine, joints or bones that are not moving properly, or loss of flexibility in the spine. If needed, your child’s chiropractor also consults with or refers you to other medical specialists, such as a pediatrician.

Why risk your child’s good health during these critical years of development? Now is the time to schedule your child’s spinal exam! You can have confidence that chiropractic is safe and effective care for your little one. When spinal misalignments go untreated, your child’s body continues to grow. An injured spine will simply grow misaligned, leading to degenerative or permanent conditions later in life.

Regular adjustments are an essential ingredient for healthy children! With gentle, expert hands, we can restore your child’s spinal health. Children of all ages can benefit from our expertise in dealing with spinal problems. We see infants dealing with spinal stress from the birth process and toddlers learning to walk. We also see school children active in sports and adolescents going through “growth spurts.”

Chiropractic can be effective in the care of:

  • Bed-wetting
  • Colic
  • Asthma
  • Sports Injuries
  • Ear Infections
  • Headaches
  • Allergies
  • Some Learning Disabilities
  • Neck Pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Migraines
  • Back Pain

With gentle, precise adjustments, chiropractic can restore your child’s misaligned vertebrae into proper position. By eliminating interference now, you could be preventing your child from having future problems down the road!

Pre-School Children

child 02Hyperactivity, learning disorders, bed-wetting, and other health problems may be the result of nervous system interference or malfunction caused by spine-related problems. Appropriate chiropractic care can help locate and correct these problems and restore normal spinal and nervous system function.

Preschools, day care centers and other groups are often breeding grounds for a variety of childhood diseases. Weakened by undetected and uncorrected spinal injury, many children suffer from chronic ear infections and other so-called “normal” childhood diseases. Sadly, instead of using conservative chiropractic care to help normalize their children’s own natural defenses, many parents are advised that the only solution is a makeshift, manmade drainage system!

Parents of children who receive regular chiropractic care often report that their children seem healthier than other children and get fewer colds and other childhood diseases. There is a relationship between physical, mental and emotional growth that cannot be overlooked. When childhood damage to the spine is ignored, it shows up years later, creating chronic health management problems. Aside from the pain, which may or may not be present, uncorrected spinal problems prevent your pre-schooler from enjoying his or her fullest health potential.

Growing communication skills are accompanied by an active life of make-believe and physical activities. As they try to master their bodies, pre-schoolers encounter tree-climbing, tricycles, bicycles and other activities. A bandage and a comforting word may seem to help the normal slips and falls, but what about undetected injury to the spine?


Many childhood activities can cause the vertebrae that protect the spine to lose their normal motion or position. Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, resulting in interference with the brain’s ability to control associated organs and tissues. Lost muscle tone weakens the important support of the spine. Discs, blood vessels and other soft tissues can swell and become inflamed. The body responds with bone spurs and abnormal bony growth, and various systems throughout the body may malfunction. Pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present, yet optimum health and well-being are compromised.

Spinal problems that go undetected or neglected in children become more serious problems in adults.

Pre-Adolescent Children

Posture can become a telltale sign of spinal problems and related injuries. Improper posture can cultivate scoliosis, a devastating sideways curvature of the spine. If caught in its early stages, it is more easily corrected. A chiropractic examination, followed by any necessary care, can help prevent surgical intervention, braces or the possibility of a lifetime of neurological compromise.

This is often a time when team sports are pursued. Many of these activities require repeated one-sided swings, kicks or throws that tend to overdevelop one side of the body. This imbalance can affect the muscles that support the spine. Overdevelopment and atrophy can cause individual vertebrae to interfere with the nervous system.

Your child is also experiencing significant growth in mental capacities. Nervous system interferences can affect study habits and interest in school. Because this growth is controlled by the nervous system, a chiropractic examination at this age could detect potential problems. In fact, the very first chiropractic patient sought help because of a hearing problem!

Spinal hygiene at this age is easy to teach and can pay a lifetime of dividends.


When your child is 6 to 12 years of age, he or she is experiencing a time of increased physical and mental development. The once sweetly compliant preschooler is becoming independent and opinionated. Peer pressure can become a major influence, prompting your child to exceed his or her physical limits. This can produce cuts, bruises and other so-called “normal” injuries that can have an unseen effect on the spine and future physical development.

The vertebrae that protect the spinal cord can lose their normal motion or position from one-sided sports activities and the bumps and bruises of growing up. Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, resulting in interference with the brain’s ability to control associated organs and tissues. Lost muscle tone weakens the important support of the spine. Discs, blood vessels and other soft tissues can swell and become inflamed. The body responds with bone spurs and abnormal bony growth, and various systems throughout the body may malfunction. Pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present, yet optimum health and well-being are compromised.

Spinal problems that go undetected or neglected in children become more serious problems in adults

Adolescent Children

During this period, teenagers experience the last major period of physical development. The growth plates which allow their bones to assume adult proportions will soon disappear, making permanent any current deformities or imbalances. Often these very real, but unrecognized problems, are shrugged off as “growing pains.” Not true. This is the time to locate and correct spine-related abnormalities before they become permanent adult problems.

In their idealism, adolescents often act as if they are indestructible. The pressure of academic achievement, emotional problems, contact sports and other physical or emotional activities can stress the spine. The resulting pain or discomfort may be shrugged off, or not recognized as a warning. A nervous system that functions without interference from the spine can help our adolescent better adapt to the tumultuous world around them.

Because the nervous system controls the function of virtually every cell, tissue and organ, of the body, chiropractic care can help a variety of health problems. The skin, the body’s largest organ is no exception. And while acne and other skin-related conditions can have various causes, many teens report improvement with regular chiropractic care.

As your adolescent matures, improve his or her chances of a healthy future with regular chiropractic care. The teenage years are a time of great change and confusion as your child develops into a young man or woman.

Hormonal changes, social pressures, awkwardness and new freedoms press for maturity. During this critical time, your child will adopt dental hygiene, nutritional concerns, exercise, personal grooming and a host of other habits. A regular program of spinal care now can be an excellent lifetime investment.


The vertebrae that protect the spinal cord can lose their normal motion or position from a variety of teenage activities. Delicate nerve tissue can be damaged, resulting in interference with the brain’s ability to control associated organs and tissues. Lost muscle tone weakens the important support of the spine. Discs, blood vessels and other soft tissues can swell and become inflamed. The body responds with bone spurs and abnormal bony growth and various systems throughout the body may malfunction. Pain or other obvious symptoms may not be present, yet optimum health and well-being are compromised.

Spinal problems that go undetected or neglected in children become more serious problems in adults.

Physically & Mentally Challenged Children

Stresses to the Spine

Physical limitations resulting from cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, spina bifida, polio, paralysis, scoliosis and other conditions can place uncommon stresses on the spine and related structures. Wheelchair confinement, unusual posture and a lack of normal physical exercise weaken the spinal column. This jeopardizes the ability of the spine to protect the vital nerve pathways of the spinal cord.

children_mentally_challengedDisorders such as Down Syndrome, mental retardation, bacteriological infections, traumatic birth, including lack of oxygen or hemorrhage, affect the central nervous system. Many of these conditions affect the brain stem that extends into the cervical spine.

Contemporary research suggests a correlation between many of these neurological deficits experienced early in life and learning problems. While many of these disabilities seem irreversible, optimizing nervous system function can make remarkable difference in children who have mental or physical difficulties.

Can Chiropractic Help?

Chiropractic is based on the scientific fact that the nervous system controls the function of virtually every cell, tissue, organ and system of the body. The skull and spinal column are designed to protect these vital nerve pathways. Since the bones of the spinal column are movable, they are especially vulnerable to the Vertebral Subluxation Complex during the birth process. Conservative chiropractic care can improve the function of a spine that has been traumatized by birth or a disease process. Parents often observe the resulting improved neurological function.