Nutritional Exam

With Dr. Kimberly Rollheiser-Revilla

More than a typical nutritionist that has minimal to no education, Dr. Kimberly’s training has given her an understanding of biochemistry, metabolism, and how the body functions so she is able to tailor dietary recommendations and suggest supplements that help heal and regenerate organs, decreasing and eliminating illness while returning the body to optimal health.

Dr. Kimberly does not believe in “dieting” or a quick fix but rather improving your relationship with food and giving you the tools necessary to make effective changes for long term results and benefits.

If you are desiring nutritional counseling as well as comprehensive care, Dr. Kimberly’s care is best for you.

The Nutritional Exam

Our in-office Nutritional Examination includes the following procedures:

  1. One-on-one consultation with the doctor
  2. New Patient Intake: an extensive intake that discussing all of your various organ systems, your lifestyle, dietary habits, and emotional well being.
  3. Symptom Survey: We use a questionnaire covering 224 common symptoms in 15 functional groups to determine what systems of the body are in need of nutritional support
  4. Nutritional Examination: The examination uses common tests to determine functional status of digestion, calcium absorption, pH, mineral and fatty acid deficiencies, heavy metals, iodine levels for thyroid, and adrenal gland status. We take measurements, weight, and BMI. Kinesiological testing using acupuncuture alarm points, meridians, neurovascular and neurolymphatic reflexes to determine system weaknesses and appropriate nutritional support.
  5. Medical Exam: Comprehensive medical exam including blood pressure, ears, eyes, nose, thyroid, heart, lungs, neurological (pinwheel, vibration, and deep tendon reflexes).
  6. Laboratory Testing: In select cases we will use blood testing, saliva testing, stool specimens, or hair analysis. These tests are performed in the office or at home except for the actual blood draws which are done at a local laboratory.
  7. Doctor’s Report: After the examination and lab results have all been completed you will sit down with the doctor and find out about your results and any recommended lifestyle modifications and nutritional protocols.
  8. Follow-up Exams: Your progress will be monitored by periodic additional Symptom Surveys and Nutritional Exams. Follow-up lab work may also be done.