Disease Care, Knee Pain & Shin Splints – Sciatica

For the majority of my 27 years, I have been an athlete, in which I felt healthy and full of energy. In my early twenties, running dominated my exercise regimen. It did not take long for my knees to wear out and shin splints to lead to daily use of medication. With alternatives such as cycling and swimming, I was able to run a few times each week with little pain and no medication. However, the damage I had done over the years finally caught up with me in May 2007, and I was blessed with a humbling experience: Sciatica! I will never forget the moment I
realized that people with sciatica had a legitimate reason to whine about it. It is a debilitating condition. An electric shock of pain down my left leg made walking difficult at times, so running was not an option anymore. Within one week I met Dr. Russ Revilla. After the first adjustment, my sciatica was gone and I was running again, without any pain! I have been treated by Dr.Revilla for one year with only two minor flair-ups that occurred during extended breaks. The lesson learned:  Consistency is vital to treatment.
I understand that the daily physical demands I place on my body have a cost: Physical stress (exercise) = wear and tear +misalignment + pain and poor performance.
This is one circumstance in which I can “have my cake and it it, too.” In other words, I cause deviations in my body everyday during exercise, but Dr. Revilla readjusts my alignment consistently so that I may function without pain. In order to continue my lifestyle, I have to fix what I “break” on a daily basis if I want it to work properly, efficiently, and most importantly, pain free! This is exactly the gift  Dr. Revilla provides for me.
Ryan T.