Shoulder Pain – Mary Ann D

I had pain under my shoulder blade, probably due to hours on the computer at work. Dr. Russ gave me exercised to do at home along with the adjustments and I was relatively pain free after just a short while. Then I had the misfortune to fall and land on the same shoulder causing some soft tissue injury. Dr. Russ had me back in for adjustments and my shoulder feels just fine now!
Thanks to Dr. Russ and his staff, I have been able to fully enjoy my new found sport – marathon races. At my age, I never thought that I would be able to keep up this endurance sport and remain injury free. I rely on regular visits to help work out any random aches or pains that crop up while I am training or racing. I am truly enjoying a different level of fitness now and I know that I have great support here at Comprehensive Chiropractic.
Mary Ann D.