The New Swine Flu: Are they at it again?

The New Swine Flu: Are they at it again?

I was noticing some medical reports about the “new” swine flu. This is a “variant” of the old swine flu. You remember that one, don’t you – the epidemic that wasn’t? There was the swine flu epidemic, the H1N1 world-wide level 6 flu pandemic, the bird flu epidemic, and more. They all have several things in common. They were going to kill millions of people (and didn’t). They were going to wipe out close to 10% of the American population (and didn’t). They were going to provide a safe, effective financial bonanza for vaccine makers (and did). They all feed upon themselves, setting people up for the “next epidemic or pandemic” – which may now be right around the corner. Yet they never happened.

In the case of the HINI pandemic fiasco, the status of level 6 – granted by the United Nations – exempted vaccine makers from any legal damages caused by their vaccines. These included convulsions, seizures, permanently paralyzing cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome, and even death. Because it was “such an emergency,” the government (you and me), and even foreign governments, bought up all the useless vaccines.

Well, get ready, I think they are at it again.

Recognizing the Signs

Flu vaccine sales are flat and getting worse. People are getting smart to the fact that flu vaccines are relatively useless, and that the vaccine can cause serious and even permanent damage. So what’s a vaccine- maker to do? Scare the daylights out of everyone again … Get the ball rolling by getting the medical writers and epidemiologists out of the flu closet to release little news articles (they are already appearing). This will slowly convulse into a flood of terrifying medical articles throughout the media extolling the dangers of the new, deadly, “variant” flu. And finally, convince or dupe government officials that the new epidemic or pandemic is really real.

I think it is beginning, with medical articles like, “New, variant swine flu hits 260 people.” And, “U.S. records first death from new pig flu strain.” And, “New swine flu from pigs – it could mutate and begin to spread between people.” You get the picture. But for crying out loud! The swine flu again! We already had this one twice. Of course it never became pandemic, but it did scare the daylights out of everyone, and it did sell a lot of vaccines.

The newest strain is the H3N2v, with the “v” standing for “variant.” The swine flu is a modest flu at best, with little more harm than any standard flu, and is medically considered “mild.” But that will not stop the ball from rolling when there is money to be made. Federal health officials are “carefully monitoring” the situation. And the CDC is all over it.

Lesson Learned Yet?

Just how many times do we have to go through this before we learn our lesson? I hope you weigh your odds before rolling the dice with a flu vaccine. Instead, why not play it safe. Bolster your immune response and keep the things you need to kill colds and flu on hand. What a concept! [If you need help with the flu or what you need to have on hand, contact our office (Comprehensive Health and Chiropractic Center) for great natural supplements that can help bolster your immune system and lessen the symptoms if you do get sick.]

Normal Flu?

Just what do all U.S. health-care personnel know that you don’t? They know that flu shots are not very effective and they can cause serious damage. They know who gets shots and whether the shot itself causes flu-like symptoms. They know how many people who got a shot still got the flu. They know how many people were injured, sometimes seriously, from the shot. And finally, they are under pressure from their own medical organizations to “set a good example” and have a shot themselves. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee recommend that all U.S. health-care personnel be vaccinated every year against the flu. Yet with all this information and pressure, only 60% of all U.S. health-care personnel take a shot! 1


1 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2011;60(32):1073-1077.


December 2012, Volume 29, Issue 12