

Gout is the precipitation (accumulation) of urate crystals into the joints. It is a form of arthritis, but can be exquisitely more painful. Initial pain attacks (acute gout) often hit the big toe and thumb.

Attacks last from a few days to a week or more. Chronic gout can involve most any joint in the body. The medical treatments generally are pain killers and drugs like Allopurinol to lower urate levels in the blood. Allopurinol is generally considered relatively safe, with side effects of nausea and skin rash. But in persons with kidney problems, the dose must be kept low, and the mild side effects can escalate into life-threatening hepatitis, vasculitis, or blood problems.

If you suffer from gout caused by excessive amounts of urate in your blood, it is most likely due to poor diet, kidney and liver dysfunction and weakness, certain prescription drugs, an omega-3 fatty acid (vitamin F) deficiency, certain cancers, and combinations of all of these. Most commonly the person suffering from gout eats a high carbohydrate and refined carbohydrate diet. Often this diet is worsened with the intake of too much red meat and alcohol. The stress of this diet on the kidneys can cause elevated urate in the blood leading to gout.

While changes in diet – eliminating red meat, alcohol, and refined carbohydrates and processed foods can provide significant relief for the gout sufferer, the main offender, urate in the blood, comes primarily from kidney and liver weakness and dysfunction. Hence, treatment should be aimed at the underlying cause of the problem – kidney and liver dysfunction.

What to Do for Kidney and Liver Dysfunction

1. More Water: If you suffer with gout, kidney stones, or any other stone formation problem, you need to drink more water. The only water you should drink is reverse osmosis purified water. I have seen patients who suffered through decades of gout and kidney stones eliminate their entire problem soon after they began to consume more water; and only reverse osmosis water.

2. Hi-Lignan Flax Oil®: Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids. The best way to do this is to take Omega Nutrition Hi-Lignan Flax Oit® daily. In addition, you should take Cataplex® F from Standard Process daily. Besides upping your omega-3 ‘s, which will reduce crystal formation in the blood and joints, this treatment will also enhance your thyroid, give you an edge over breast tenderness or cystic breasts, and help you with arthritis and joint pains of all types.

3. Three-Week Purification Program: Enhance your kidney and liver function to eliminate the root cause of the problem. This is best done with a 3-week purification program that we have made simple for you, followed by the right liver and kidney supplements. This program will enhance your detoxifying mechanisms in both the liver and kidneys while getting you on a diet that is anti-gout.

After the 3-week period, you will be well on your way toward better health and control over gout, kidney stones, arthritis, and joint pains.

4. Kidney and Liver Supplement Protocol: With or without a purification program, you can enhance kidney and liver function by taking the following protocol from Standard Process for 6- 12 months. The products you will need are: Okra-Pepsin E3, Albaplex®, and Renafood®. Combine protocol.

Okra-Pepsin E3 is the premier product to help enhance digestion of nutrients through the walls of the intestines. Albaplex is a kidney/liver tonic. The kidneys are key in gout. Albaplex partially contains a culture grown on beet pulp and rice bran containing the enzyme arginase, necessary for the detoxification of your kidneys. This product is excellent for anyone with a high uric acid count or gout. Renafood is a super kidney detoxifier. It also contains the enzyme arginase, necessary for the detoxification of arginine from the kidneys. Arginine often builds up in the kidneys of people with gout. Cataplex F contains the unsaturated fatty acids linolenic, linoleic, and arachidonic. These are utilized in the body to transport minerals like calcium from the blood to the tissues. Cataplex F also contains a small amount of iodine.

5. Medications: Remember that certain drugs can cause kidney problems that can lead to gout. Be sure to check with your doctor to see if your Rx drugs are causing gout.

6. Diet: Eat well. Consume lots of vegetables (but stay away from asparagus). Drink plenty of reverse osmosis water. Take your kidney and liver enhancing supplements. Come to Dr. Kimberly’s Health Class to learn abut an anti-inflammatory diet. Then, you too can say goodbye to chronic gout.

Naturally, as with all treatment of the underlying cause with whole, natural products, you will experience side effects – but these will be positive side effects – as in ending or improving kidney stones, arthritis, and other joint problems as well.

HEALTH ALERT January 2013, Vol. 30, Issue 1