To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate ? A Parent’s dilemma

Dr. Kimberly Rollheiser-Revilla

If you listen to the news, it’s just a matter of time before you will hear a report on a story regarding the measles outbreak scare. This being the case, I have had many patients call me with questions regarding the validity of the news reports about how effective the vaccinations are and if they should have their children vaccinated. And not only about the measles, but also the flu. “Will it work?” “Will they still get the disease?” “Is the vaccination safe?”They are looking to me to get the answers that will make them feel that they are making the best decision for their child’s welfare. This is a legitimate question and not one to be taken lightly.

First question: “Do I vaccinate?” NO! Do NOT vaccinate! A detailed explanation is provided below.

Second question: “Then how do I build up my immune system to help prevent getting the disease?”

You and your family all have to build up your immunity systems the right way. A detailed explanation is provided below.

Third question: “If I’m around someone who has been vaccinated, am I still at risk?” YES!! You need to

be aware of the dangers and pitfalls of susceptibility. A detailed explanation is provided below.


1) “Do I vaccinate?”

For the record, my husband and I do not get our children vaccinated. It is our personal decision based on our knowledge and research into the nature of vaccinations; how they are created, how they are supposed to work (and how they do not!), and the pitfalls that happen with side effects and the onset of other ailments. I personally know many parents that had perfectly healthy children who got vaccinations. Thereafter, many of these children began to suffer a variety of ailments that they still suffer from even to this day. Ailments like seizures, autism, physical impairment, even brain function retardation.

A most incredible book that I refer to others and re-read on an ongoing basis myself: The Sanctity of Human Blood: Vaccination I$ Not Immunization (Eighth Edition) by Tim O’Shea. This must-read book covers the facts surrounding the vaccination industry, then details the relationship of vaccinations to every disease that vaccinations are recommended for. If you really want to understand why I feel the way I do, read this informative book.

Another valuable resource that provides constant updates regarding new information in the vaccination establishment The credo on their website reads, “Your Child. Your Choice.”

Discover what your doctor injects into your child. Click on the button now and we’ll send you free information!” The most recent article I received from them talks about compensation for families due to adverse reactions resulting from children getting vaccinated. Here is the link to read the article,

My understanding on vaccinations is based on the many seminars I have attended and the extensive study I have done and continue to do on how the immune system works.

The most glaring issue with vaccinations is how the body reacts to the invasion. The immune system reacts to a disease infiltration depending on how the disease invades the body. Conversely, the type of immunity the system builds up to the disease depends on how the disease invaded the body.

A simple, easy way to understand why vaccinations do more harm than good is in the type of immunity the body creates for future defense against the disease. What is the difference? The difference is in the way the disease was introduced into the body: True immunity vs. False immunity.

True Immunity

When diseases are introduced into the body either airborne or through bodily fluids, the body’s first line of defense is activated. This creates a thorough and complete immunity experience for the body. The body creates the proper antibodies to defend itself in the future. Thus a true immunity.

False Immunity

When diseases are introduced into the body usually directly into the blood stream (i.e. – vaccinations), a false and incomplete line of defense is activated. This creates a compromised and partial immunity experience for the body. The body does not create the proper antibodies to defend itself in the future. Thus a false immunity.

Going to War

Here’s how the human immune system works: your body is constantly at war with diseases. Depending on how the enemy declares war determines how the body fights the disease.

When a disease is introduced naturally into the system, the body sends all of its military might to fight the disease (war) to completely eliminate it.

But, if the disease is introduced unnaturally into the system (usually introduced directly into the blood stream), the body sees it as just an outbreak (mini-battle) and only sends a few troops to squash the flare up. Therefore, a vaccination is like a mini-battle. Not all of the troops are sent to defeat it. This means that you are still susceptible to the disease! Further, the disease can possibly be spread to others while it is incubating in your body!

2) “Then how do I build up my immune system to help prevent getting the disease?”

The Non-Vaccination Solution

So if you are not going to get vaccinated nor have your children vaccinated, how do you minimize your susceptibility to these opportunistic diseases that are attacking you all the time? It may sound obvious, but a strong immune system is the best defense for your overall health.

So how do you keep your immune system as high as possible in the wake of the number of people that you may encounter that may be vaccinated?

Here are a few simple steps that will help you keep your immune system strong:

  1. Get plenty of sleep
  2. Eat good, healthy food (massive amounts of vegetables and fruits)
  3. Drink plenty of water
  4. NO SUGAR!!
  5. Decrease stress in all forms
  6. Use high hygiene awareness (washing hands, touching high traffic community items {door handles, handrails, buttons, shopping carts, computer interface items, etc.}, touching face, sharing utensils)
  7. Minimize Susceptibility (read next section)During a vaccination frenzy, minimize or eliminate trips to highly populated, closed-in places (movie theaters, malls, playgrounds, etc.)

    Minimize being around people that you know have been vaccinated! (child care facilities, friends, family, guests, etc.)

  8. Take relevant supplements to boost your immune system, increase the vitamins and/or minerals in which you may have deficiencies, increase the detoxification function of the liver and any other conditions that may compromise your immune system


Add supplements to your eating regimen that will boost your immune system so the body can defend itself against the organisms that break down your immune system and make you vulnerable to a number of unwanted hosts instead of opting for medical antibiotics that do nothing for you and make your system weaker and defenseless! In most cases, the patient with the onset of sickness needs supplements along with proper nutrition to correct the effects associated with the underlying cause and to eliminate the side effects from prescription drugs. Instead, I will find the proper combination of all-natural, plant-based supplements for your individual condition.

3) “If I’m around someone who has been vaccinated, am I still at risk?”


I always keep up to date about vaccinations. I have preached to others the fact that persons who receive vaccinations are actually spreading the disease for which they were vaccinated during the “incubation period”, approximately two weeks, that the medical community denies to confirm.

Therefore, I am very excited to share an article that echoes my understanding and reiterates the dangers that exist as a result of no incubation period for the person receiving a vaccination.

I am including a link to the article, “Studies Show That Vaccinated Individuals Spread Disease: Should the Recently Vaccinated be Quarantined to Prevent Outbreaks?”

So this is the procedure the medical industry uses at the first sign that a disease is spreading:1) Get vaccinated! And that’s it!
Vaccinations are looked at as an overall solution that:

  • protects the person receiving the vaccination from experiencing the extreme symptoms of a disease;
  • minimizes a widespread outbreak of the disease; and
  • shortens the outbreak period for the disease.


You are led to believe that you are now protected against the disease, you can not spread it and you can go about your merry way! WRONG!!!!

This is not true! Firstly, READ the book I mentioned earlier. Secondly, one critical aspect of this whole process is left out: the person who got vaccinated IS A CARRIER of the disease! So while the body of the person that was vaccinated is supposedly building up aresistance to the disease, the disease is totally active and can be spread either airborne (breathing or sneezing) or through bodily fluid (transferred through objects the people commonly touch, etc.)
This scenario LEADS TO an outbreak because the carrier continues to go OUT INTO THE PUBLIC SPREADING THE DISEASE! The very thing they are trying to prevent, a widespread outbreak that can take on epidemic proportions, is the very situation they are creating by giving vaccinations without a quarantine for the person receiving the vaccination while they are in their incubation period. The point is simple: persons who get vaccinated need to be kept away from the general public during the incubation period of the disease!
I still insist that vaccinations should not be given in the first place. But I believe the medical industry should take the responsibility that, if they are going to create the fear that everybody needs vaccinations, then they need to also insist on incubation/quarantine periods for those receiving the vaccinations.
My personal experience with susceptibility and what happens with a lack of incubation

My personal experience and knowledge of the danger of the lack of enforced incubation periods lay in the health experiences of my oldest son’s 6th and 7th grade health incidents.
From the beginning of CJ’s 6th grade school year my son hung out around all of his classmates and friends and was not sick at all. In November, the San Marcos middle schools required that the students attending their schools get vaccinated for chicken pox. I signed the waiver for CJ NOT to get vaccinated. While the other children who were vaccinated continued to attend school during theincubation period, students that had been vaccinated and students that had NOT been vaccinated all attended the same school activities. CJ contracted chicken pox. How did he get chicken pox if he didn’t get vaccinated? Airborne! Because he was in the same environment of the other “contagious” students that were carriers of chicken pox who had been vaccinated AND were around others DURING the incubation period!
Next year, 7th grade. Again, from the beginning of the school year my son hung out around all of his classmates and friends and was not sick at all. In November all San Marcos middle schools required that the students attending their schools get vaccinated for whooping cough this time. Again, I signed the waiver for him NOT to get vaccinated. Guess what happened? CJ got whooping cough! Do you wonder why? Once again, it was because he was in the same environment of the other “contagious” students that were carriers of whooping cough who had been vaccinated AND were around others DURING the incubation period!
Make no mistake about it, I was very unhappy that my son contracted these diseases. However, I’m glad that he got the diseases the way he did (airborne) so that his body could develop true immunity against the diseases.
I hope this information gives you the confidence to make an informed decision when you are presented with the situation of getting your child or yourself vaccinated. Be clear on what you will do, whether it be a recommendation from doctor, a suggestion from a friend or family member or you are being told by a school administrator.
Dr. Russ and I both specialize in treating patients that come to us with various ailments. We also find ourselves informing our patients on health issues and decisions that they find themselves faced with from time to time.
We usually try to remain as objective as possible and not influence the decision one way or the other. But we feel that we have to take a stance regarding vaccinations. And there is plenty of information and data to support our views and experiences in this area. We can say, with confidence, that your body needs true immunity against diseases. False immunity is misleading and wrong.
Our office handles the basic chiropractic discipline in addition to the advanced, specialized chiropractic discipline that handles disease assessment, treatment, care, correction and preventive measures. These collective disciplines, when properly applied with an effective treatment timeline and monitoring schedule, best help our patients recover from the ill effects of diseases and puts them back on the road to maintaining optimum health.
Our expertise and experience allows us to assess each patient based on the symptoms they present, especially when it comes to deficiencies with the immune system, then formulate a treatment plan that best suits their needs. We then work closely with the patient and include their family so that, collectively, the patient can get on the road to better health and a better life!